Notre mission est de promouvoir l'émancipation des individus

Nous croyons en un avenir où chacun a le pouvoir de décider de son propre destin.

Projet Bantu

Projet Bantu is the result of the converging ideas of people who, based on certain observations, felt it necessary to bring about a change in the way we see and do things that keep us dependent, poor and in need.

Our Vision

The ambition is great, but achievable!

It is with a view to curbing the huge outflow of foreign currency linked to the import of foodstuffs and other products that our land can validly produce, thanks to the agricultural skills of its men and women if they learn to work it, that Projet Bantu is committed to becoming the hub for the development of an all-round agricultural policy through profit-sharing and training. The ambition is high, but achievable.

Our Mission

One center, three divisions!

With this vision in mind, Projet Bantu has created a multi-polar center called CPAAD: Centre Professionnel des Arts Appliqués et du Développement, which covers three divisions



CPAAD offers all aspiring employees tailor-made guidance and training leading to a qualification or diploma in one of the dozens of trades on offer, divided into three (3) divisions

The Primary

Agriculture, livestock, processing and renewable energy (biogas, solar and wind)

The Secondary

Mechanization, manufacturing, creation, recycling

The Tertiary

Services and ICT

What are you waiting for?

Let’s bring your vision to life today! Together, we’ll make it happen.

Our Latest Posts!

Discover our global approach to sustainable development for a harmonious future 🌍🌱

We firmly believe in the need to rethink the way we see and do things for a harmonious future.[…]

Our mission: to change the way we see and do things

In today’s society, it’s crucial to question our perspectives and actions in order to create a more promising future.

Discover the history of Projet Bantu and CPAAD

At the heart of Projet Bantu (ProBan) and its CPAAD centre lies an exciting story and strong values that[…]

Contact Us

Contact us today to discuss your ideas or just to say hello. We look forward to hearing from you!