About Us

Our history

Projet Bantu was born of the desire of several people to change the mentalities and practices that keep us dependent and poor.

Our Values

Projet Bantu’s core values are solidarity, empathy and innovation.

Our Team

Meet the dynamic team behind Projet bantu

  • Mme RANOKE Colette
    President, Director General of PCAAD
    • M. HOUNSA Viyètin Sosthène
      Vice President, Deputy Director General of PCAAD

      • Mme BOUMAH Odette
        Secretary General

        • M. EMANE MENGUE Claude François
          Deputy Secretary General

      • M. MBEMY-YOYA Alain
        General Coordinator

        • Mme MBOUMBA Darleine Hyrina
          Deputy General Coordinator

          • M. HOUNSA BONGA Raphaël Stège
            Technical Advisor

          • M. RANOKE Jean-Léon
            Technical Advisor
            • M. ALITONOU Gildas

            • M. KOMAHOUE Eugène

          • M. ANGARA NZE Michel Tidiane
            Technical Advisor

      • M. LAWAL Abderamane
        General Treasurer

        • Mme MIDJIYAWA Aïcha
          Assistant General Treasurer